Thank you for your interest in Avenues. All recruitment related info can be found here.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email ( or through our Instagram (@uscavenues).

Recruiting Timeline Spring 2025

Applications Open: 1/14

Access the application here. Submit by 1/31 @ 11:59. Late submissions will not be considered. If there are any issues, contact us at

Involvement Fair: 1/16 @ 11AM - 2PM

Come to our table to ask questions to ask any questions you may have and get to know us!

Info Session #1: 1/21 @ 8PM (Virtual)

During these optional info sessions, we will give a more in-depth overview of Avenues and what you can expect as an applicant and possible member of Avenues.

Zoom Link

Info Session #2: 1/27 @ 8PM (Virtual)

During these optional info sessions, we will give a more in-depth overview of Avenues and what you can expect as an applicant and possible member of Avenues.

Application Results Released: 2/3

If you pass the initial application screening, you will be invited to interview with us. More details will be included in an email.

Interview Round #1: 2/5, 2/6

These will be individual interviews. Interviewees will be notified of their status via email on 2/7. Those who pass will also be invited to attend a mixer with the other applicants and current Avenues E-Board members. They'll move on to the second interview round as well.

Dress code: Business Professional

Mixer: 2/12

Another optional event, the mixer is a great opportunity to get to know current Avenues members, as well as other applicants.

Dress code: N/A

Interview Round #2: 2/13, 2/14

This round will be in group format, interviewed by a panel of E-Board members. It will be the final round.

Dress code: Business Professional

Final decisions released: 2/16

Congratulations! Those who are offered a position will have 24 hours to accept or decline.

First org-wide meeting: 2/18

Meet your fellow cohort members and get onboarded. Welcome!

Frequently Asked Questions

✎ Do I need previous experience to be accepted?

No! Many of our past cohort members have had little to no experience for their specific role, and have been successful within our organization. In fact, we especially strongly encourage project-builders (design and tech) to apply no matter your current skill level.

✎ For the portfolio section, what kind of work is best to submit?

We know that our applicants have varying levels of experience based on grade level and other factors, so we don't necessarily have a preferred submission type. However, we encourage you to submit work that fully reflects your current skillset, and maybe even your personality, too.

✎ What can I expect during the interview rounds?

In the first round, individual candidates will be interviewed by 1 or 2 E-Board members. It will consist of a behavioral and technical component, and should last no longer than 30 minutes. The second round will be a panel-style case interview completed in groups rather than individually.

✎ Am I allowed to use tools like ChatGPT to help me write my application?

Yes, you may. However, you should make it clear that you used ChatGPT if you choose to. If you do not make note of your usage, but we find that you did use it, it will be reflected on your application review. Further, we recommend not using ChatGPT to write your answers at all.

✎ Is it easier to get an offer if I have connections within Avenues already?

No, Avenues cares about fairness, which is why our application screening is conducted anonymously. We are more interested in your abilities, goals, and experiences, which should be reflected in your application.

✎ Is there anything I can do to increase my chances of being accepted?

Avenues keeps track of demonstrated interest. Attending info sessions, following our social media, and asking questions directly to us will all be kept track of.

✎ When are club meetings?

Avenues meets weekly on Tuesdays from 8:30pm-10:00pm.

✎ What kind of committment should I expect?

Members are expected to attend every GM (general meeting) barring exceptional circumstances. Also, members should uphold their responsilities in terms of meeting client expectations and needs, without exception.

✎ How much flexibilty can I expect when it comes to committments within the club?

As fellow students, we believe school comes first. So, any extenuating circumstances, whether academic or personal, can excuse members from a meeting if it was communicated beforehand.

✎ What kinds of projects can I expect to work on?

No matter your role (Strategy, Tech, Design), you will likely have the chance to contribute in a strategic, design, or tech capacity. For examples of projects, go to our portfolio page and click through the different cards to get an idea.

✎ What is Avenues' culture like?

Avenues strives to be a collaborative and fun group of people. While our work is our main priority, maintaining a good social atmosphere is just as important, and we hope that everyone enjoys their time with us..

✎ What kind of opportunities for leadership does Avenues offer?

Avenues has executives, a board of directors, and associates, with executive being at the top in terms of administrative priority. Execs and directors make up the primary leadership team that oversees Avenues. Execs and directors are chosen from a pool of applicants from the Associate level, which consists of members who shadow and aid execs and directors in their duties. Cohort members can apply to be an associate after as little as one semester with Avenues.


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