• (FT) PM
We cherish the unique blend of majors, industries, and bright futures that make up Avenues' team. No matter where your interests lie, we invite you to join us.
Our Members At A Glance
Most Represented Fields of Study
Business Admin
Computer Science
All Represented Fields of Study
Art History
Intelligence and Cyber Ops
Public Policy
Jazz Studies
Real Estate
BioPharm Marketing
Financial Math
Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
Data Science
Quant Bio
Philosophy, Politics, Economics
Global Health
Environmental Engineering
International Relations
Political Science
Political Economy
BioPharm Science
Tech, Design, Business
What We Do
Client Reveal
Each semester, members are carefully grouped into client teams based on professional interests and skills.
Curriculum Night
Especially helpful for those first breaking into consulting, these nights are designed to introduce key concepts to members.
Our project-builders get the chance to compete in an intra-organizational hackathon to practice their skills and win prizes.
Industry Events
With many thanks to our mentors, we hold exclusive panels, recruiting nights, office tours, and coffee chats throughout the semester.
Coffee Chats
Find a mentor or a new friend with our coffee chat program, where members are algorithmically paired with each other weekly.
To boost our members' skills and chances for recruitment, we hold workshops for resumes, case interviews, and other relevant concepts.
Case Competitions
For our Strategy Consultants, semesterly case competitions give members a chance to practice planning, pitching, and presenting proposals in 1 hour.
Social Events
From beach hangouts and semesterly retreats, to finals study sessions and team dinners, we make sure to balance the work with the play!
Our Mentors
At Avenues, our pre-professional and affairs teams work to create and strengthen industry relationships to offer both general and cohort members exclusive opportunities to network, learn from, and foster real connections with the following firms.
Our Alumni
Since its start in Fall 2023, Avenues' members have received full-time and internship offers at these companies. Hover over the logos to see which positions they've filled.
• (FT) PM
• (I) Process and Controls
• (I) IB
• (I) Analyst
• (I) Cyber Defense and Eng.
• (I) Cyber, Risk & Reg. Consultant
• (I) Tech Consultant
• (I) Cyber Info Assurance
• (I) Management Consulting
• (I) Corporate, Enterprise Risk Mgmt.
• (I) Consultant
• (I) Software Eng.
• (I) Software Eng.
• (I) PM
• (I) Consulting Analyst